When Mary Elizabeth's wish was granted by the Make A Wish Foundation in 2000 to go to Disney World we had the priviledge
of staying at Give Kids The World. Here are some pictures from when we visited there in December 2002. For more information
about Give Kids The World go to www.gktw.com .
This is the Gingerbread House where all meals are served in the village. The meals are provided by Perkins restaurant.
This is a picture of the doll Mary Elizabeth donated to Give Kids The World thanks to her friend Amber. It now sits on the
shelf with dolls donated by other wish kids from all around the world.
This is Mary Elizabeth's baby sister Marlee Anne seeing Mary Elizabeth's paver for the very first time. It was such a
special moment for all of us. Our friend Lori went with us and got to see Give Kids The World for the very first time too.
Mary Elizabeth playing games in the game room with her Daddy.
Michala riding with Bear from the Big Blue House.